Love West Ridge is a community with 3 spheres. You can choose which sphere(s) you want to be part of and feel free to take a pass on what you don't!
Serve side by side with people from many different backgrounds. We are a diverse group loving a neighborhood as diverse as we are.
Come share a meal at a Bridge-Building Neighborhood Gathering, designed to foster real connections between sometimes polarized groups of people and to promote better understanding, cooperation, and compassion despite our differences.
Our faith community is a simple church, designed to create a relaxed but vibrant expression of faith that empowers us to join God in HIs restorative work in our community.
Incredibly meaningful, both helping others and becoming friends with Syrian refugees.
My involvement has helped me learn more about my community and [has] allowed me to build relationships with my neighbors. The love and kindness Love West Ridge [shows] to immigrant communities has been a guide for me on how to treat people in my everyday life.
You all have been a blessing. Plain and simple. Life is tough, but you keep pushing ahead, and it makes me want to do even better.